Tuesday, 30 October 2012

If I Get Married Or Have A Child, What Changes Can I Make To My Benefits?

If you already have a self and family enrollment under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program and you wish to continue with the same health plan, you should contact your health plan directly to have the name of your new family member added. If you do not have a self and family enrollment or you want to switch plans, complete a Health Benefits Election Form, SF-2809 (pdf). Your completed SF-2809 must be received in the Benefits & Payroll Liaison Branch (BPLB) within 31 days prior to the date of the change in family status or within 60 days afterwards. If you are adding a spouse and want the coverage effective on the date of the marriage, you must submit your SF-2809 the pay period prior to the anticipated date of the marriage. If you are adding a child, the effective date of your coverage is the first day of the pay period in which the child becomes a family member. As supporting documentation, you must provide a copy of your marriage certificate or your child's birth certificate as appropriate. Please note that the certificates may follow the submission of the SF-2809.

If you already have Basic coverage under the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program, you may elect Options A, B, and/or Option C or increase your multiples of Option B and/or Option C by completing a Life Insurance Election form , SF-2817 (pdf). If you are not enrolled in the program, you may elect Basic, plus any or all Optional insurance. Your completed SF-2817 must be received in the BPLB within 60 calendar days after the change in family status. You must also provide a copy of your marriage certificate or your child's birth certificate. For additional information, speak with your Benefits Contact .

If you already have supplemental dental and/or vision coverage and want to add your spouse or child, contact BENEFEDS at 1-877-888-FEDS within 31 days before or 60 days after the date of the change in family status. To enroll or increase the amount of your Flexible Spending Account, contact SHPS at 1-877-FSA-FEDS within 31 days before or 60 days after the date of the change in family status. To apply for Long Term Care Insurance, contact the LTC Partners at 1-800-LTC-FEDS.

You may complete designation of beneficiary forms at anytime. If you have already filed designation forms, make sure they are up to date. You may view some of your forms on-line by accessing your electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF). Designation of beneficiary forms may be completed for unpaid compensation, life insurance, retirement (CSRS or FERS), and the Thrift Savings Plan. You must have your beneficiary forms signed by two witnesses prior to submitting them. Please note that a witness is not eligible to receive payment as a beneficiary. The unpaid compensation, life insurance, and the FERS forms should be forward to the BPLB. The CSRS and TSP forms should be mailed directly to the address indicated on each form. If you are satisfied with the Order of Precedence (OPM) as set by law, you do not need to file designations.

The Benefits & Payroll Liaison Branch (BPLB) is located at 31 Center Drive, Bldg 31, Rm B3C23, MSC 2215, Bethesda, MD 20892-2215. (Note: NIEHS employees located in North Carolina should submit their forms to Donna Fisher, MSC K1-01, Rm 1108, 530 Davis Drive.) If you have questions, please notify your Benefits Contact.

Source: http://hr.od.nih.gov/benefits/news/previousnews/2011/sep11.htm#Benefits

Jessica White Jill Arrington Jill Wagner Zooey Deschanel Aaliyah

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